Thursday, August 21, 2008

What is your favorite baby product?

Tell me and I just may add it to the blog! Thanks for helping me get started!


The Heaviland Family said...

I'm going to have to put a vote in for a swaddle wrap. Our favorite was the miracle blanket but some sort of swaddle is a must!

The Hunter Family said...

Love the site! You have such great advice. One of our favorite things (or Cal's) is his FP rainsforest soother. I have lots of opinions on baby products that I love/hate so if you ever need a topic, let me know.

marndt said...

I would say swaddlers also. Grant was in his up until a month ago, he couldn't sleep good without it! And they are SO much easier than swaddling the old fashion way! And I think for a carrier, the Ergo for sure is the best and a great investment, so comfy and can be used multiple ways. Plus the weight limit goes up to like 40lbs!

The McFarlane Family said...

Thanks ladies for your support and wise ideas! All of the items you suggested will be making an appearance soon on Love it Baby!

Caleb, Bree, Zane and Claire said...

My two favorite things have been the bouncy/vibrating chair and the Boppy Pillow! While I never nursed, the Boppy was a great way to leave the baby sitting somewhere while I got stuff done. :) Love this page! Great idea Emilie!