After begging my husband for this highchair for about two months he finally saw a need for it when we went out to dinner and just like Houdini, Charlie escaped out of the standard issue wood highchair and made a beeline for the door. So, it is now the newest addition to our family of baby gear. This will be my third highchair. It's too bad I didn't have this blog to read or I could have just started with it in the first place. Love it! It folds down to a two pound little sqaure and can just be thrown in your diaper bag or stroller!!
The best price I found on the Phil & Teds Metoo was at Babycenter - I used a free shipping code and for $49.99 it was better than picking it up locally and paying tax or buying it from a cheaper retailer who charged shipping. You must know that I always get the best price, even if it takes a couple hours of research. Your only better option is if you have a great coupon at Land of Nod perhaps or you buy it on Ebay. I was feeling impatient and irritated with Ebay this week so avoided that route.
Phil & Teds is one of my very favorite baby brands at the moment so you will be sure to see more from them here soon.
love this seat! we got ours and it's so great to keep in the car cause it takes up so little space.
I love, love, love our seat! Gabe bounces so much in his, I swear it's going to snap right off, but it holds it's ground like you wouldn't believe! It takes up so little space and it's red to match my kitchen. :)
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