Sunday, October 26, 2008

Boon Toddler Cup

Charlie has had a hard time transitioning from a bottle to a sippy cup. He didn't even really have a bottle regularly until he was 13 months old but he got attached quickly! This week I found the Boon toddler cup and thought he might think it was fun. And he did! He loves drinking his milk out of it. I am a major fan of this sippy cup. One disclaimer - they call it "no-spill" but I don't agree and neither does my floor. It just takes a few shakes to get it to spill, so be warned. The top is super easy to put on and you can't screw it on wrong so it leaks, which I love. Charlie gets his chubby little hands around it so easily, he just gulps his milk or water down. I got it at Land of Nod for $5.99 and it was worth every penny.

On the topic of Boon products, has anybody tried the Squirt baby food dispensing spoon? I love the idea but I'm not sure if it works or is worth it. Charlie is past purees so I probably won't get the chance to try it until Baby #2 comes this spring. Let me know if you try it!! I have been really happy with all the Boon products I've seen in action.


The Hansen Family said...

Glad Charlie made the transition!

Anonymous said...

I love this cup too! I haven't tried the Boon Squirt spoon but I do love the Boon Benders Spoons! They are fantastic!